[MOBY-dev] bioMoby Python / RDF / ViPEr and bioMoby webservices...

Yan Wong yanwong at ebgm.jussieu.fr
Fri Oct 22 13:14:07 UTC 2004

I've put the last version (0.6) of the bioMoby Python API.

You can retrieve it on

here are the changes:
Some changes in the documentation
-Bug in the MobyObject corrected
-Bug in the Dispatcher corrected (troubles with handling multiple
queries simultaneously)
-Added support for signatureURL and RDF in the registration process
-Debug option available when executing a service (trace of HTTP calls)
in Class Central and Class Service
-Added tutorials on how to build a webservice using openPBS and make
asynchronous queries.

I am also working on a script that will integrate  bioMoby webservices
in ViPEr. At this time, I've made some prototypes of interface with
ViPEr I wrote some interfaces for some bioMoby webservices. It is rather
straightfoward (I may be able to write an automatic ViPEr component

Here some screenshots:
this one uses services from RPBS

I give him a PDB ID and it get a FASTA sequence with
MOBYSHoundGetGenBankFasta and make a  BlastFastaVsArabiProteincoding and
a query with Automat.

Results are printed on the stdout as seen on the terminal where I
launcher ViPer

This one uses a function that generates a  AA FASTA sequence and a 3D
The two sequences are sent to the BasicBuilder webservice.
Calculation of ASA with ASA webservice and secondary structure with
Stride (RPBS webservices)

The result of the job.

I expect to have good results in next two weeks...

A Propos RDF, can someone finally tell me how it works? 
Does modifications(deletion, addition, modification) in the RDF files
modify entries in the bioMoby directory?

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