[MOBY-dev] the bioMoby python API

Yan Wong yanwong at ebgm.jussieu.fr
Thu Oct 14 13:23:09 UTC 2004

I am modifying the API in order to deal with the RDF files and solving
some bugs:

-Bug in the Dispatcher corrected (troubles with handling multiple
queries simultaneously)
added signatureURL and RDF for Registration process (in Service,
-debug option when executing a service (trace of HTTP calls) in Central
and Service Class
     (allows you to have the dump of all your SOAP transaction with the

if you want to trace a SOAP call while executing a service just put:
     service.execute(mobyqueries, debug=True) 
and you'll have the complete trace of the execution

when you deal with the Moby Central Server:
to trace execution of your moby Query

As Errare Humanum Est, feel free to notify me errors I missed :)

I expect to release a corrected version in the end of next week.

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