[MOBY-dev] Introduction

Asim Siddiqui asims at bcgsc.ca
Tue Sep 2 10:27:34 EDT 2003

Hi All MOBY developers!

I've just joined the group so as requested by Mark, I'm sending a short
introduction to the group. I've included all of my contact details
below, so please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions. I
am part of the Genome Sciences Centre in Vancouver and work under Steven
Jones (who is the Head of Bioinformatics). I see the creation of
standards within bioinformatics as the key to taking the field to the
next level (of course I'm preaching to choir here :-), so I want to get
involved with and support that effort.
My immediate goal with BioMOBY is to get up to speed with the
architecture and design so that I am in a position to make useful
contributions. I will also looking to see how BioMOBY could be tied in
with some of the projects underway at the GSC.

Best Regards,


Asim Siddiqui, Ph.D.
Group Leader, Bioinformatics
Genome Sciences Centre
British Columbia Cancer Research Centre
600 West 10th Avenue,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V5Z-4E6

Office 604-707-5802
Fax 604-733-9481

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