[MOBY] [MOBY-dev] Status of structural bioinformatics services in BioMOBY? + Python modules

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Mon Sep 1 16:37:40 EDT 2003

Hi Catherine, 

I love airports with wireless :-)

Nobody that I know of is working in this area w.r.t. defining objects
and services, so you would be doing ground-breaking work.  I feel that
these objects would be extremely complex, which would be a good test for
how extensible the MOBY system really is!

Similarly, I don't know of anyone developing Python modules... but they
may be out there :-)


On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 03:22, Catherine Letondal wrote:
> Hi again,
> What is the status of structural bioinformatics services in BioMOBY?
> Is it already anticipated to extend the BioMoby objects types and services
> in order to include PDB entries, homology medelling, 3D db searches, 
> 3D computations, etc...?
> Some colleagues of mine, who are involved in this field, would be interested in such 
> an extension and would of course agree to actively participate both in
> defining new objects types and services (or wrappers to services, as I tried
> to depict in my first message).
> Also, has someone already started to develop Python modules for the API?
> Thanks,
Mark Wilkinson <markw at illuminae.com>

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