[MOBY-dev] Agenda items for the meeting

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Wed Oct 1 16:12:50 EDT 2003

Hi all, 

Sorry for the delay in getting this out - I've had little or no net
access for most of the past month :-(

Issue #1: with only 2 days to go, we have **only 12 people registered**
for the meeting, and my head count is 18 attendees (at least, that is
what we have paid the hotel for based on casual emails to me).  If you
have not registered YOU MUST DO SO TODAY.  _no exceptions!_ (Francis, we
have no registrations from your crew so far... please use your
dictatorial skills to resolve this ;-) ).  I will be contacting the
other scoundrels directly today!  After today, I will have to remove you
from the food-trough as I must give 48 hours notice to the hotel for
them to prepare the menu.

Regarding the meeting agenda:

Generally speaking we are splitting the meeting "down the middle"
between MOBY-S and S-MOBY.  There is no strict time-schedule for this
and we will go with the flow, talking about each system as it seems
appropriate, but we will generally focus on MOBY-S in the mornings, and
S-MOBY in the afternoons.

The first day for MOBY-S we will do the following:

Presentations from:
	a) me with an update of the state of affairs with MOBY-S
		- discussion
	b) Martin Senger with his experiences with MOBY and Java
		- I know that Martin has been unhappy with his experiences so we
should take time here to clarify what we are doing wrong that is making
MOBY difficult for Java users.
	c) myGrid - Philip Lord
		- this will no doubt lead to extensive discussion
	d) Rebecca Earnst @ MIPS on her experiences setting up MOBY services in
	e) Heiko Schoof @ MIPS on the activity within PlaNet and his perception
of the weaknesses of MOBY-S as it stands today.
		- again, this will lead to discussion of what we are doing wrong and
what still needs to be built.

This should take us to lunch time, and S-MOBY will take over in the PM.

Day 2:

Talking points for MOBY-S:
	-)  Quick decision on some conventions
		1) namespace prefixing (e.g. is the id 'GO::003456' or '003456'?)
		2) versioning info in the MOBY header
	a)  Documentation, esp w.r.t. Java vs. Perl
	b)  Cross-Reference ontology
	c)  Expansion to non-"MOBY" services
		- registering and dealing with existing SOAP services, e.g. Martin's
~150 services running at EBI
		- registering existing CGI services (re-implement the "GOOBY" code
that I wrote into the MOBY Central prototype at the Singapore hackathon?
or is there a better way?)
		- "wrapping" legacy services (especially v.v. Catherine's messages
regarding Pise)
	d)  Security
	e)  Distribution/mirroring of MOBY Central
	f)  Long-term stability of the project
		- finding a long-term "patron"
		- curation of the Object/Service/Namespace ontology?
	g)  Re-visit the issue of message "chunking"
	h)  A.O.B.
	i)  The grand-unification plan for S-MOBY and MOBY-S?  (Damian would
you like to lead this discussion, which will likely extend into the
S-MOBY session in the afternoon.)

If there is anything you would like to add to the agenda, please email
me ASAP.  We can be flexible at meeting-time, but it would be nice to
know if there is an important issue that we should prepare for in

Cheers all!


Mark Wilkinson <markw at illuminae.com>

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