[MOBY] Re: [MOBY-dev] Wishlist and bugs list

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Tue Mar 4 20:12:29 UTC 2003

Actually... that is something we really *don't* want!  If committed
changes immediately affected the public stable server, that would be a
disaster, given the number of times we (and least I) have committed
broken code... especially at the hackathon!  :-)

I think perhaps the correct way to go is set up a second public MOBY
Central solely for testing purposes.  This would also allow us to write
a proper test-harness for the installer that registered/deregistered
objects, namespaces, and all the rest without risking contaminating the
public bona-fide registry if the tests fail at some point.

There is still a problem with commits not being propagated even to the
test registry, but at least i feel more comfortable doing CVS updates to
a test registry on a regular basis (I could cron it to update every 15
minutes or so) than I do updating the real registry with that

Do others feel differently?


On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 13:53, Martin Senger wrote:
> > It seems that my inbox is being used as a bug tracking system :-)
> >
>    Actually it should not be your inbox but the moby-dev nailing list. And
> I think that it is a good place for bugs (and I publicly apologize that I 
> sent several reports to you instead to this mailing list).
>    But just moving the reports to another place (such as Wiki) will not
> solve the problem with your time - you are absolutely right that more
> developers should help you.
>    The slight problem with sharing the coding and helping to fix bugs is
> that it does not seem to be enough to commit the fix into the CVS
> repository. It must be done something more to achieve that the
> running server sees the change (at lest this is my experience with a small
> typo I fixed over weekend but it has not been propagated to the running
> server in Canada). Could you perhaps solve this problem soon-ish and thus
> make a ground for more developers to help fixing problems?
>    Martin
> -- 
> Martin Senger
> EMBL Outstation - Hinxton                Senger at EBI.ac.uk     
> European Bioinformatics Institute        Phone: (+44) 1223 494636      
> Wellcome Trust Genome Campus             (Switchboard:     494444)
> Hinxton                                  Fax  : (+44) 1223 494468
> Cambridge CB10 1SD
> United Kingdom                           http://industry.ebi.ac.uk/~senger
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Mark Wilkinson, Ph.D.                \==-|       
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