[MOBY-dev] use case conclusion

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Thu Jan 30 18:13:51 UTC 2003

Hi all, 

I've been thinking that we haven't really concluded the UseCase phase to
the degree that (IMO) we should have...  it seems to me that the purpose
was to delimit the tasks that we are expecting MOBY to assist us in, but
I think we need to now summarize what we learned from this; i.e. "what
functionalities are 'required' in the registry, what functionalities are
'required' in the data-objects, what functionalities are 'required' in
services", and so on down the requirements priority... that way we have
properly defined our goal(s) and can more correctly evaluate which
technologies are able to fulfill these requirements when we come to that
phase.  It seems that we are entering our technology assessment phase
without knowing what we are expectations are.


Mark Wilkinson                       \==-|       
Bioinformatics Consultant             \=/        0010010010100101110010
Illuminae Media                       /-\        
727 6th Ave. N.                      /-==|       0010100100111101010010
Saskatoon, SK, Canada               |==-/        
S7K 2S8                              \=/         0100100100010010010101
+1 (306) 373 3841                     /\         
markw at illuminae.com                  /=-\        1101001010100101010101

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