[MOBY-dev] summary of research into semantics

Andrew D. Farmer adf at ncgr.org
Wed Feb 12 18:10:15 UTC 2003

(Trying again, last post got bounced for being too long...)

Hi all-
I'm going to post a rough summary of my exploration of various major efforts
for defining standards for representing "semantics". It will hopefully be of
some help in communicating the general trends in this area (to those of us who
aren't already intimately familiar with the history of the field), and may help
to provide some grounding for future discussions of MOBY's requirements in this

In particular, I think it raises some questions with respect to the
role of XML Schema in the current MOBY system (I'd be interested to hear
your thoughts on this Mark, especially in light of your recent announcement
of your intention to revamp some aspects of this in the current system). Also,
I'd be interested in hearing other people's opinions of the applicability of
the RDF model to our needs.

Apologies for any errors or significant omissions. Tear apart as you see fit...

Andrew Farmer
adf at ncgr.org
(505) 995-4464
Database Administrator/Software Developer
National Center for Genome Resources

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