[MOBY-dev] problem building java biomoby

smontgom at bcgsc.ca smontgom at bcgsc.ca
Wed Aug 20 22:10:01 UTC 2003

Hi -
I downloaded the code from CVS, set-up the sh environment, ran it, echo'd
the classpath and saw:


Seems like the makefile uses my home to specify a classpath for
jakarta-catalina that doesn't exist - not a big deal.  Also - it may be
related but my make crashes on:

make[3]: Entering directory
javac  Xerces.java
Xerces.java:11: package org.apache.xerces.parsers does not exist
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser;
Xerces.java:24: package dom.wrappers does not exist
    extends dom.wrappers.Xerces

seems like the xercesImpl.jar is in the classpath.  Is it looking for
something outside the distro (another version)
thanks for the help on this.


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