[EMBOSS] Where can I found the source code repository?

Adam Sjøgren asjo at koldfront.dk
Mon Mar 31 15:31:02 UTC 2014

Peter Cock <p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com> writes:

> There is a tentative plan to move the EMBOSS repository to git
> hosted on GitHub (I've been meaning to talk with Peter Rice
> about this). This might start with the git repository being used
> as a read only mirror...

That sounds great - there are probably more people serving git
repositories than cvs by now.

> It looks like there is a problem with the CVS mirror cvs.open-bio.org
> aka code.open-bio.org :(


> I presume (perhaps wrongly), that the development CVS server
> is still fine...

I hope so!

Thanks for getting back to me - I will see if I can remember to try and
do a checkout once in a while and see if it starts working again.

For now I am just using the old pkdata-file to keep the values returned
consistent with previous versions.

  Best regards,


 "Money always takes the place of life"                       Adam Sjøgren
                                                         asjo at koldfront.dk

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