Mahmut Uludag uludag at ebi.ac.uk
Sun Mar 9 20:53:52 UTC 2014

Hi Tala,

I have tried using a pattern file with mEMBOSS 6.5. If i don't add the 
prefix '@' character before the pattern file name jemboss provides name 
of the file as the input pattern to emboss fuzznuc program which then 
returns no hits.

i.e., this pattern file works


however, if i miss the '@' prefix as in the following example, file name 
itself is considered as the pattern for search and no hit is found.


Please let us know if you still get errors.

-- mahmut

> I am trying to run FUZZNUC in  EMBOSSwin and JEMBOSS with a list of
> patterns. Can you advice on how to do that, where I am getting errors with
> @patternfile.txt

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