[EMBOSS] a bug?

Peter Rice pmr at ebi.ac.uk
Sat Aug 20 19:39:20 UTC 2011

On 20/08/2011 00:38, Aldrin Lugena wrote:
> Hi.  Our lab installed the newest version of EMBOSS in our own server.  When
> we type wossname, we get this:
> Finds programs by keywords in their short description
> Text to search for, or blank to list all programs:
> which is the right result.
> However, after typing "seqret" then hitting return, we are getting these:
> Error: /usr/local/bioinfosoft/emboss/share/EMBOSS/acd/seqrettype.acd: bad
> ACD relation '/edam/data/0000848 Sequence'

All the files mentioned are from a previous release and should be 
deleted. The format of the ACD relations records changed in the new release.

You can do that most easily by deleting all files in the 
/usr/local/bioinfosoft/emboss/share/EMBOSS/acd/ directory and then 
running "make install" from the emboss directory again to install all 
the ACD files for the new release.

Do let us know (emboss-bug at emboss.open-bio.org) if that fails to fix it, 
or if you have any other problems or questions


Peter Rice

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