[EMBOSS] Bootstrap

Achille Zappa achille.zappa at istge.it
Wed May 6 07:30:04 UTC 2009

> Hi !!

>   taverna.defaultsoaplab = http://www.ebi.ac.uk/soaplab/services
> After this change you need to restart taverna and delete and redefine
> your Soaplab Processors (if it is too much work then you can at least
> redefine fneighboor Processor as it is crashing with EMBOSS-4.1 and use
> main Soaplab services for Processors you will define in future).
> I cc this message to Alan and Stuart from Taverna team for information.
> They were planning to change default Soaplab endpoint to main EBI
> Soaplab services in the next release of Taverna-1.7 series.
> Regards,
> Mahmut

Thank you for your help
I loaded the new soaplab services and now I'll try them.
They are a little bit different , in ebi style  with poll! and external
params, but surely more reliable ok.

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