[EMBOSS] Mac OS X instructions

Koen van der Drift koenvanderdrift at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 17:30:47 UTC 2009


Unless I missed it, I noticed that the EMBOSS website has some very
outdated instructions on how to install EMBOSS on Mac OS X, eg here
http://emboss.sourceforge.net/download/macosx.html and here (outside
link from EMBOSS website):

As most of you probably know there has been also the possibility for a
while to use the fink package manager for this. I am the maintainer of
that package, and try to keep it updated, version 6.0.1 is available
including most of the patches. Fink is a very convenient means to
install packages, and will take care of installing all the necessary
third party packages and proper configuration.

Is it possible to update the website to include this possibility, and
maybe remove the older and outdated links?


- Koen.

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