[EMBOSS] Jemboss setup problem

Mackenzie, Ronald C Ronald.C.Mackenzie at uth.tmc.edu
Thu May 22 15:11:45 UTC 2008

I have trying to set up Jemboss on Solaris 10 (SPARC) and everything seems to compile  okay and exit gracefully at the .configure, make, make install stages. I put the appropriate lines for setenv in the .cshrc and now when I follow the last few lines (section 3.) in the Jemboss installation notes http://emboss.sourceforge.net/Jemboss/install/standalone.html )I get the following:

bearcat# java org/emboss/jemboss/Jemboss local &
[1] 28597
bearcat# Java Accessibility Bridge for GNOME loaded.

Exit value:: 9
Exit value:: 9

If I now hit enter and type in:

bearcat# ./runJemboss.sh
bearcat# Exit value:: 9
Exit value:: 9

If I look at the running processes:
bearcat# ps
   PID TTY         TIME CMD
 28602 pts/5       0:16 java
 28605 pts/5       0:00 ps
 28559 pts/5       0:00 sh
 28581 pts/5       0:00 csh
 28597 pts/5       1:10 java

But nothing else happens. It just sits there and a java window never appears. Anyone got any ideas? Or do you know what an "Exit value:: 9" means. I couldn't find anything like when I searched the archives.

Thanks in advance for your help,


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