[EMBOSS] HELP!! ePrimer3 service down?

Mahmut Uludag uludag at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Mar 28 13:44:39 UTC 2008

> Well, it works, but there is a difference:
> I use the params mintm and maxtm for eprimer3. These values must now be 
> integers (formaly, they were doubles - now, when they are doubles, an 
> Error arises without successful primer findings).

I have extended the fix for the type double as well and updated the
server. I didn't do it straight away because didn't have time yet to
discuss this with Martin. As you pointed we might have problems with
other data types as well. Until we have a fix you can use String
representation of the values in the input map rather than the actual
data types.


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