[EMBOSS] question (Error: Failed to find host 'srs.ebi.ac.uk' for database 'emblebi')

Peter Rice pmr at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Mar 30 07:59:23 UTC 2007

Dear Nikolai,

Воробцов Николай Вадимович wrote:
> The other day I have install the EMBOSS package (version for windows).
> Environmen parameters are setted as required:
> SET EMBOSS_DATA=D:\Emboss-MS\data
> seqret emblebi:xlrhodop
> Reads and writes (returns) sequences
> Error: Failed to find host 'srs.ebi.ac.uk' for database 'emblebi'
> Error: Unable to read sequence 'emblebi:xlrhodop'
> Please say what a problem is?

The databases defined by default connect to servers here at EBI.

These databases need an internet connection. If you can connect your browser to 
http://srs.ebi.ac.uk then EMBOSS will be able to read databases.

There are some more settings you can add if, for example, you need to define an 
HTTP proxy.

You can also install the database flat files locally and index them with dbxflat 
(or dbiflat).

You can use any EMBOSS program with local sequence data files, or put the 
sequence on the command line with the syntax:

seqret asis::aaaaccccggggtttt


Peter Rice

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