[EMBOSS] question (Error: Failed to find host 'srs.ebi.ac.uk' for database 'emblebi')

Воробцов Николай Вадимович Nick at alekta.ru
Fri Mar 30 06:49:57 UTC 2007

Hello, dear Sirs!


The other day I have install the EMBOSS package (version for windows).


Environmen parameters are setted as required:






Please, help me to solve a problem. Why no one's of utilities (seqret, dottup
and others) do not desire work with known databases.


showdb return:


# Name         Type  ID  Qry All Comment

# ============ ==== ==  === === =======

pir            P    OK  -   -   PIR from the EBI

sw             P    OK  -   -   SWISSPROT from the EBI

swissprot      P    OK  -   -   SWISSPROT from the EBI

uni            P    OK  -   -   UNIPROT from the EBI

uniprot        P    OK  -   -   UNIPROT from the EBI

em             N    OK  -   -   EMBL from the EBI

emblebi        N    OK  -   -   EMBL from the EBI

gb             N    OK  -   -   GenBank from Infobiogen

genbank        N    OK  -   -   GenBank from Infobiogen

refseq         N    OK  -   -   REFSEQ from EBI


but if I try exec:


seqret emblebi:xlrhodop


than get messages:


Reads and writes (returns) sequences

Error: Failed to find host 'srs.ebi.ac.uk' for database 'emblebi'

Error: Unable to read sequence 'emblebi:xlrhodop'

Died: seqret terminated: Bad value for '-sequence' and no prompt


Any other db-name (from showed by showdb) work also.


Please say what a problem is?


In being thanksgiving for any help!


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