[EMBOSS] Command line with --firstonly

Peter Rice pmr at ebi.ac.uk
Mon Jun 18 14:38:57 UTC 2007

Niels Larsen wrote:

> I found a little trap with seqret, if one enters by mistake --firstonly
> (the GNU way) instead of -firstonly, then seqret quietly returns
> nothing. It should probably complain instead, the other arguments
> do that. I use 4.1.0.

Thanks for the suggestion.

It doesn't silently return nothing ... it writes to a file called --firstonly 
(and you need "cat -- --firstonly to read it  and "rm -- --firstonly" to remove 
it :-)

In the next release we will allow -- as a qualifier prefix on the command line.

We have no use (as far as I can tell) for "--" as a delimiter for real filenames 
(like cat and rm).



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