[EMBOSS] Database too lare for dbifasta

George Magklaras georgios at biotek.uio.no
Wed Jul 18 09:30:32 UTC 2007

ajb at ebi.ac.uk wrote:
 > Hello Ravi,
 > For files >2Gb you should use the dbx* applications for indexing e.g.
 > dbxfasta.

Is it possible to highlight this in the EMBOSS manuals somehow? 
Application manual pages for the dbx utilities that mention the over 2 
Gbyte capability do of course exist, but the 2G limit is not mentioned 
in the respective manual pages of the dbi utils ('Known Bugs' for 
instance). So, if you have someone that reads the admin manual, he/she 
goes to dbi and not the dbx utils by default.

(If such a reference exists I apologize, but I can't see it. My comments 
refer to 'tfm' manual output for up to version 4.1.0 and the on-line 
manual on URL: http://emboss.sourceforge.net/docs/adminguide/admin.html ).


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