[EMBOSS] Question regarding seqret

Jean Mao maoj at helix.nih.gov
Tue Sep 5 18:35:25 UTC 2006

I have a question hopefully someone can help me about it.

I downloaded the gbrvt1.seq file from ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genbank/ as a test, gunzip and index it with dbxflat (I know it's not > than 2gb):

%  dbxflat -dbname=testdb -dbresource=embl -idformat=gb -directory=. -fields='id,acc,sv,des' -filenames='gbvrt*.seq' -indexoutdir=. -release=0.0 -date='00/00/00'

Then I run 'seqret' but failed to retrieve entries using 'sv' or 'des' fields:

% seqret
Reads and writes (returns) sequences
Input (gapped) sequence(s): testdb-sv:11186
Error: USA 'testdb-sv:11186' query field 'sv' not defined for database 'testdb'
Error: Unable to read sequence 'testdb-sv:11186'
Input (gapped) sequence(s): testdb-des:ribosomal
Error: USA 'testdb-des:ribosomal' query field 'des' not defined for database 'testdb'
Error: Unable to read sequence 'testdb-des:ribosomal'
Died: seqret terminated: Bad value for '-sequence' and no more retries

Even the entry does exist if I retrieve with acc number:

% seqret
Reads and writes (returns) sequences
Input (gapped) sequence(s): testdb:X67626
output sequence(s) [aa12srrna.fasta]: /scratch/out1 

I did tried dbiflat on this file but still have no luck with similar results.

Thank you.


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