[EMBOSS] 30 entries only

Marlena Roszczyk mrln at o2.pl
Wed Oct 25 13:13:36 UTC 2006

Adding lv parameter helped and is good enough. It required few more
lines in emboss.default:

DB blahblah [
method: url
format: myfavouriteformat
type: P
url: "http://srs.ebi.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?-e+-ascii+[uniprot-des:%

Thank you.

Still, option -vn 1 refuses to cooperate, although -vn 2 works fine.
Adding +-vn+1 to the url-line above makes seqret return "Bad value for
-sequence". Hmmm... 

Marlena Roszczyk

> Rodrigo Lopez writes:
> > I suspect this is related to the default view used in SRS. It is
> > returning the first page of results that contains 30 sequences (the
> > default). 

 Yes, the number 30 here and there doesn't seem a coincidence.

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