[EMBOSS] Netblast search of swissprot and trembl - Checked by AntiV

Guy Bottu gbottu at ben.vub.ac.be
Wed Nov 16 15:45:08 UTC 2005

On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 12:03:08PM -0700, Richard Rothery wrote:
> Is there an easily-installed linux client that can search trembl? Can
> blastcl3 be forced to do it?

The problem is that blastcl3 submits searches at the NCBI, where they do 
not offer trembl as such. There exists a program WSWUBlastClient.pl that 
submits searches at the EBI, where they have uniprot (swissprot + trembl).
see http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/webservices/index.html
To make it work you need however to install a lot of Perl libraries.

	Guy Bottu,
	Belgian EMBnet Node

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