[EMBOSS] Netblast search of swissprot and trembl......

Richard Rothery Richard.Rothery at ualberta.ca
Tue Nov 15 19:03:08 UTC 2005

I am using blastcl3 to search NCBI using multiple bait sequences in
fasta format. I can readily search swissprot using this program, but
cannot search trembl. The NCBI accession numbers (ie just numbers) that
blastcl3 returns require re-labelling of the sequences to make clustal
outputs, phylogeny analyses etc. meaningful.


Is there an easily-installed linux client that can search trembl? Can
blastcl3 be forced to do it?


What I would like to do is feed seqret a file containing the trembl
accessions. This would generate a fasta file with more meaningful titles
comprising the accession number followed by the swissprot organism







CIHR Membrane Protein Research Group,

Department of Biochemistry, University of Alberta,

Edmonton T6G 2H7

Ph. (780) 492-2229 Fax. (780) 492-0886



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