[EMBOSS] backtranseq

Nadeem Faruque faruque at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Jul 22 10:22:27 UTC 2005

> As for the problem cases like Serine, maybe an option to make instead of a 
> sequence with ambiguity symbols a regular expression that exactly matches 
> the allowed codons ? The utility of this may be limited, but you could 
> e.g. if you have a peptide use the backtranslation with the program dreg to
> search the corresponding CDS in a piece of DNA.

I think we'd be better off with plain old IUPAC rather than venturing into more comples systems or we'll end up with 
weighted matrices or even HMM's.
The advantage of IUPAC is of course that you can plug it into most other programs.


S.M. Nadeem N. Faruque
EMBL Nucleotide Database Curation Team
EMBL Outstation
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