[EMBOSS] problem with using accession number....

Jacob Hurst jacob at biochemistry.ucl.ac.uk
Wed Jul 20 15:36:24 UTC 2005


If I enter the following id seqret correctly returns the sequence.

acrm3<113>% seqret embl:hsgstpig
Reads and writes (returns) sequences
Output sequence [hsgstpig.fasta]:

however if i enter the corresponding accession number it fails.....

acrm3<114>% seqret embl:X08058
Reads and writes (returns) sequences
Error: Unable to read sequence 'embl:X08058'
Died: seqret terminated: Bad value for '-sequence' and no prompt

I was under the impression that emboss was setup to deal with both 
accession and id. 

regards Jake

Jacob Hurst Phd
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
University College London

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