[EMBOSS] primer3_core

Paul Baumgartner Paul.Baumgartner at unibas.ch
Tue Sep 14 13:04:10 UTC 2004

Dear all

to generate primer3_core from primer3_1.0.0.tar archive the compiler 
generates the following Error:

  gcc -g -o primer3_core primer3_main.o oligotm.o dpal_primer.o 
format_output.o boulder_input.o '-static' -lm
ld: can't locate file for: -lcrt0.o
make: *** [primer3_core] Error 1

what could be wrong ?

( Mac OS 10.3.5 gcc 3.3)

thanks   Paul

Paul Baumgartner
Klingelbergstrasse 70
CH-4056 Basel

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