[EMBOSS] How to install and run a single application of EMBOSS?

Peter Rice pmr at ebi.ac.uk
Mon Sep 15 14:41:09 UTC 2003

luqiang wrote:
> 4) When I executed the ./garnier, error message came out as following:
> ./garnier: line 1: cd: 
> /export/home/luqiang/downloads/emboss/EMBOSS-2.7.1/emboss: No such file 
> or directory
> gcc: garnier.o: No such file or directory
> gcc: ../nucleus/.libs/libnucleus.so: No such file or directory
> If I don't want to the whole cumbersome EMBOSS package, while only 
> single application, for example "gariner", is needed, how can I do?

Yes, you can build single applications... but there are a few tricks.

By default EMBOSS builds with shared libraries using GNU LibTool.

The way LibTool works is to build a script when you run "make" and to
create the true binary file when you run "make install". This is why it
looks for garnier.o

Two things you need to do:

1. Build static binaries:

./configure --disable-shared

then "make clean", and "make"

2. Watch out for shared libraries in building gd for the graphics
applications (no need for garnier - it has no graphics)

You can build gd as static libraries, with a little care.

To export the binary files to another system, I have usually found you
need to disable X11 graphics too (./configure --without-x) because the
system usually has shared X11 libraries.

Hope this helps,


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