Graph data handling

Henrikki Almusa henrikki.almusa at
Tue May 27 10:46:13 UTC 2003


I'm trying to use graphs in scripts outside of emboss. However i got into 
problems with options conserning the graph handling. I found following 
options from "banana" tools webpage:

  "-graph" related qualifiers
   -gprompt             boolean    Graph prompting
   -gtitle              string     Graph title
   -gsubtitle           string     Graph subtitle
   -gxtitle             string     Graph x axis title
   -gytitle             string     Graph y axis title
   -goutfile            string     Output file for non interactive displays
   -gdirectory          string     Output directory

I tried to use -goutfile and -gdirectory with banana, but i seem to be unable 
to effect the data file(s) or their directories. 

If i understand correctly this should work "banana mRNA.seq -graph data 
-goutfile /home/hena/banana_data_file -auto" or then "banana mRNA.seq -graph 
data -goutfile banana_data_file -gdirectory /home/hena". For second i get 
error: "Died: unknown qualifier -gdirectory" and with first i get "Created 
banana_data_file.dat", but no such file is created and no data fale is there. 
Also if i use "-data" option there, i get multiple bananaX.dat (in which X is 
running number) files.

So, my questions are. How exactly how is this supposed to work? And could it 
be added to webpages "User documentation"  section with other formats.  And 
thirdly is there a reason, why some programs expect "-data" option and others 
do not?

Henrikki Almusa

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