Search for organism of entry

Peter Rice pmr at
Thu May 15 16:26:31 UTC 2003

yann-francois.bizouerne at wrote:

> And when I am looking with the organism I obtain :
>    >infoseq sprot-org:"*Theileria*" -outfile stdout
>    Displays some simple information about sequences
>    # USA             Name        Accession Type Length     Description
>    sprot-id:104K_THEPA 104K_THEPA    P15711  P    924        104 kDa
>    microneme-rhoptry antigen.
> So now I want to know if I could  for one particular entry (sprot:P15711) find
> the Organism (Theileria prava) or not ?

EMBOSS can search a database by organism, but reads the sequence (in 
most programs) or the whole entry (entret)

... but I am looking into ways to parse out more detail, including 
organism, citation, and features. The database definition would have a 
list of fields that can be retrieved, and a program like (for example) 
entret could check the fields and let you choose the ones you need.

For now, you can run entret and look for the organism in the text.

Hope this helps,

Peter Rice

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