Search for organism of entry

yann-francois.bizouerne at yann-francois.bizouerne at
Thu May 15 15:29:46 UTC 2003


I have install EMBOSS on our server since recently. I reallly enjoy a lot the
different tools but I have a little problem and I can't find the solution
I have index the SwissProt database with  the command line :

      dbiflat -idformat SWISS -directory . -filenames sprot.dat -dnname sprot
-fields acnum,seqvn,des,keyword,taxon

So after that I could find sequence information when I am looking by for
particular organism or keyword.

For the moment What I could retrieve with the accession number is the following

   >infoseq sprot:P15711
   Displays some simple information about sequences
   # USA             Name        Accession Type Length     Description
   ian-id:104K_THEPA 104K_THEPA    P15711  P    924        104 kDa
   microneme-rhoptry antigen.

And when I am looking with the organism I obtain :
   >infoseq sprot-org:"*Theileria*" -outfile stdout
   Displays some simple information about sequences
   # USA             Name        Accession Type Length     Description
   sprot-id:104K_THEPA 104K_THEPA    P15711  P    924        104 kDa
   microneme-rhoptry antigen.

So now I want to know if I could  for one particular entry (sprot:P15711) find
the Organism (Theileria prava) or not ?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Yann-François BIZOUERNE
BioInformatic Team
BAYER CropScience
1, rue Pierre Fontaine
91058 Evry Cedex
Phone:      33-(0) 1-69-47-61-56
FAX:        33-(0) 1-69-47-61-42
E-mail:     yann-francois.bizouerne at

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