feature request -- "showdb" diagnostic

David Starks-Browning starksb at ebi.ac.uk
Tue Jan 28 13:26:06 UTC 2003


Given that EMBOSS database configurations can come from 4 locations:

 - A file emboss.default in the share/EMBOSS subdirectory of your installation
 - A file .embossrc in the directory specified by the EMBOSSRC environment variable
 - A file .embossrc in the users home directory
 - A file .embossrc in the current directory

I think it would be useful, for diagnostic purposes, for a command
like "showdb" to report on what configuration files were read.  For
example, "showdb -debug" could contain this information.

(Apologies if this has already been added, I only tried showdb in


  David Starks-Browning                  | starksb at ebi.ac.uk
  EMBL Outstation --                     |
  The European Bioinformatics Institute  |
  Wellcome Trust Genome Campus           | tel: +44 (1223) 494 616
  Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK       | fax: +44 (1223) 494 468

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