
Graziano P. areagp61 at yahoo.it
Thu Sep 12 14:39:04 UTC 2002

I am trying to use the following emma options: -norgap and -nopercent, but
when I write

emma sequence.fasta -norgap

the program returns the following error message:

   EMBOSS An error in ajacd.c at line 11262:
unknown qualifier -norgap

the same is if I write

emma sequence.fasta -nopercent

   EMBOSS An error in ajacd.c at line 11262:
unknown qualifier -nopercent

I have seen in emma.acd file and these two qualifiers exist!!
Lines in emma.acd file about these two options are:

bool: norgap  [
  optional: "$(prot)"
  default: "No"
  information: "No residue specific gaps"
  help: "'Residue specific penalties' are amino acid specific gap penalties
that ......"

bool: nopercent  [
  optional: "@(!$(slow))"
  default: "No"
  information: "Fast pairwise alignment: similarity scores: suppresses
percentage score"

Anyone have alredy found this problem?


Graziano Pappadà
areagp61 at yahoo.it

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