emboss in cygwin

David Starks-Browning starksb at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Nov 1 09:45:29 UTC 2002

On Thursday 31 Oct 02, clwu writes:
> Hi, group,
>            I am new to group. I tried to compile EMBOSS under 
> win2K/cygwin but I failed. EMBOSS website at HGMP mentioned that
> "Richard Bruskiewich and Simon Kelley at the Sanger Centre have 
> succeeded in compiling EMBOSS under Windows NT using the CygWin package. 
> The resulting executables have been tested but not thoroughly enough for 
> a release. Contact Richard Bruskiewich for more information. ". But I 
> can not follow the link in this page to get help.
>           Does anyone have the successful experience on this?

I just built EMBOSS-2.5.1 on Win98 using the latest Cygwin downloaded
from <http://cygwin.com/>.  There is no libgd.[a|dll] so no PNG
support.  But everything else appeared to build fine.  I've not tested
the applications though.

Note that you will need much more from Cygwin's setup.exe than is
installed by default.

If you provide details about what failed, I may be able to help you.
Feel free to respond off-list, as a Cygwin build may not be
interesting to the rest of the emboss list.  We can always summarise
to the emboss list once we get it sorted, if there is interest.

(Cygwin FAQ maintainer)

  David Starks-Browning                  | starksb at ebi.ac.uk
  EMBL Outstation --                     |
  The European Bioinformatics Institute  |
  Wellcome Trust Genome Campus           | tel: +44 (1223) 494 616
  Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK       | fax: +44 (1223) 494 468

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