EMBOSS.kaptn - X11/KDE GUI for EMBOSS 2.4.1 and EPHYLIP-3.573c

Thomas Siegmund sgmd at genetik.fu-berlin.de
Mon Jun 10 15:13:34 UTC 2002

Dear EMBOSS list,

a new version of  the Kaptain user interface for EMBOSS is finished. In 
addition to EMBOSS the current EMBOSS.kaptn 0.80 supports the complete 
EPHYLIP 3.5. There are not so many GUIs for Phylip out there, aren't they?

As usual, you will find a compressed tar archive for download, additional 
information, and a few screenshots at http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~sgmd .

From the ChangeLog:

Version 0.80 - Finished support for EPHYLIP-3.573c
- new: econtml, econtrast.kaptn
- modified install script for systems where the nedit client has a
  name different from "nc". Thanks to P. Martineau for the hint!

Version 0.79
- new: ednaml.kaptn, ednaml.kaptn, ednacomp.kaptn
       eclique.kaptn, econsense.kaptn

Have fun


Thomas Siegmund
Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Genetik
Arnimallee 7
14195 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 838 54868
Fax: +49 30 838 54395

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