Installing PISE - words for the wary..

David Martin david.martin at
Tue Sep 19 16:28:00 UTC 2000

A few extra notes for installing PISE in addition to those that come
with the package..

If you have a new version of rxp you need to remove the -e flag in

If you have Perl with a funny name or in a funny place you should set PERL
to the path to the Perl executable, and if the name is not 'perl' (ie
'perl5' or similar) then you will have to change all 'perl' to the correct
name in

Then you can configure and make.



*  Dr. David Martin                  Biotechnology Centre of Oslo   *
*  Node Manager                      Gaustadalleen 21               *
*  The Norwegian EMBNet Node         P.O. box 1125 Blindern         *
*  tel +47 22 95 87 56               N-0317 Oslo                    *
*  fax +47 22 69 41 30               Norway                         * 

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