EMBOSS 1.8.0

ableasby at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk ableasby at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Mon Nov 27 15:09:22 UTC 2000

CODERET: Assuming you have the embl (or GenBank) database in a form
  which allows access to the feature table information then this
  program will return all or some of the CDS, mRNA and translations.
  It caters for CDS sequences spread over different entries.

The observant will note that some protein structure code has started
appearing in the libraries. There is also some CORBA communication
code. These are under active development but there are currently
no supplied (nearly said distributed) applications.


PS: The MEME program is also supplied as an "embassy" gtar file on
    the ftp server and as part of the CVS tree.
    This awaits documentation. The program spots "conserved"
    regions in a set of sequences.

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