Protein Structure
Dr J.C. Ison
jison at
Mon May 20 14:52:47 UTC 2002
Major new revision of protein structure applications - w/o full
Gary - the documentation that can be used is the one-line summaries
at the end of this msg. Full documentation plus user-guide to follow
New applications have been cvs add'ed:
pdbparse.c / acd
scopseqs.c / acd
scopnr.c / acd
seqsearch.c / acd
seqwords.c / acd
seqalign.c / acd
hetparse.c / acd
scopreso.c / acd
scoprep.c / acd
profgen.c / acd
funky.c / acd
hmmgen.c / acd
Some applications have been cvs delete'd:
scope.c / acd
nrscope.c / acd
psiblasts.c / acd
swissparse.c / acd
alignwrap.c / acd
dichet.c / acd
The deleted applications have been replaced as follows:
coordenew --> pdbparse (coordnew was deleted a while back)
scope --> scopparse
nrscope --> scopnr
psiblasts --> seqsearch
swissparse --> seqwords
alignwrap --> seqalign
New versions of code have been cvs commit'ed:
pdbparse.c / acd
domainer.c / acd
contacts.c / acd
interface.c / acd
pdbtosp.c / acd
scopparse.c / acd
scopreso.c / acd
scopseqs.c / acd
scopnr.c / acd
scoprep.c / acd
scopalign.c / acd
seqsearch.c / acd
seqwords.c / acd
seqsort.c / acd
seqnr.c / acd
seqalign.c / acd
siggen.c / acd
sigscan.c / acd
sigplot.c / acd
hetparse.c / acd
profgen.c / acd
funky.c / acd
hmmgen.c / acd
ajxyz.c / ajxyz.h
Short summaries of the applications are as follows:
pdbparse - Parses pdb files and writes cleaned-up protein
coordinate files.
domainer - Reads protein coordinate files and writes
domains coordinate files.
contacts - Reads coordinate files and writes files of
intra-chain residue-residue contact data.
interface- Reads coordinate files and writes files of
inter-chain residue-residue contact data.
pdbtosp - Convert raw swissprot:pdb equivalence file to
embl-like format.
scopparse- Converts raw scop classification files to a
file in embl-like format.
scopreso - Removes low resolution domains from a scop
classification file.
scopseqs - Adds pdb and swissprot sequence records to a
scop classification file.
scopnr - Removes redundant domains from a scop
classification file.
scoprep - Reorder scop classificaiton file so that the
representative structure of each family is
given first.
scopalign- Generate alignments for families in a scop
classification file by using STAMP.
seqsearch- Generate files of hits for families in a scop
classification file by using PSI-BLAST with
seed alignments.
seqwords - Generate files of hits for scop families by
searching swissprot with keywords.
seqsort - Reads multiple files of hits and writes a
non-ambiguous file of hits (scop families
plus a validation file.
seqnr - Removes redundant hits from a scop families file.
seqalign - Generate extended alignments for families in
a scop families file by using CLUSTALW with
siggen - Generates a sparse protein signature from an
alignment and residue contact data.
sigscan - Scans a signature against swissprot and writes
a signature hits files.
sigplot - Reads a signature hits file and validation file
and generates gnuplot data files of signature
profgen - Generates various profiles for each alignment
in a directory.
hmmgen - Generates a hidden Markov model for each alignment
in a directory.
hetparse - Converts raw dictionary of heterogen groups to
a file in embl-like format.
funky - Reads clean coordinate files and writes file
of protein-heterogen contact data.
Jon C. Ison, PhD
Bioinformatics Applications Group
UK MRC Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre
Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SB, UK
E-mail : jison at
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