EMBOSS - Indexing breaks on large databases

jrvalverde at cnb.uam.es jrvalverde at cnb.uam.es
Thu Feb 8 13:27:48 UTC 2001

<jrvalverde at cnb.uam.es> wrote:
> #/bin/sh
> cp $1 $1.orig
> mv $1 tmpfile
> sed -e 's/CC="cc"/CC="cc -64"/g' $1 > tmpfile
> sed -e 's/CC = cc/CC = cc -64/g' $1 > tmpfile
> sed -e 's/\/bin\/ld/\/bin\/ld -64/g' $1 > tmpfile
> rm tmpfile
> ## if you are sure, uncomment this 
> #rm $1.orig

Sorry, that won't work, I was (and am) being interrupted and writing
from memory, and slipped on this.

The correct recipe should ovbiously not rewrite temporary files,
but rather be

cp $1 $1.orig
mv $1 tmpfile
sed -e 's/CC="cc"/CC="cc -64"/g' tmpfile > $1
sed -e 's/CC = cc/CC = cc -64/g' $1 > tmpfile
sed -e 's/\/bin\/ld -n32/\/bin\/ld -64/g' tmpfile > $1
rm tmpfile
## if you are sure, uncomment this 
#rm $1.orig

The problem seems to be that some parts of the compilation are
handled by Makefile and others by libtool.sh, which makes overriding
more difficult. Both are generated by configure, hence the right
thing to do (if I find enough uninterrupted time) would be to
change it instead.


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