[DAS2] Re: New problem with content-type header in DAS/2 server responses!

Andrew Dalke dalke at dalkescientific.com
Mon Nov 14 11:47:09 UTC 2005

> I raised some other issues regarding types and feature properties etc.  
> a
> couple of weeks ago that I'd like you to chime in on:
> http://portal.open-bio.org/pipermail/das2/2005-October/000271.html
> The latest message on this thread is:
> http://portal.open-bio.org/pipermail/das2/2005-November/000278.html

I'll take them part by part.

That last message suggested

   <FEATURES xmlns="http://www.biodas.org/ns/das/genome/2.00"
     <FEATURE das:id="feature/cTel54X.1.2"
       <PROP das:ptype="property/genefinder-score">29</PROP>
       <PROP das:ptype="das:prop#phase">2</PROP>
       <PROP das:ptype="das:prop#protein_translation"

I couldn't figure out why the "das:" namespace was needed for the
attributes.  Why can't they be in the default namespace?

The "das:" in the value of an attribute doesn't know anything about
the currently defined namespaces.  So this "das:" must be something
completely different from the xmlns:das=... definition.

>  * the values of the 'das:id', 'das:type', and 'das:ptype' attributes
>    are URLs relative to xml:base unless they begin with 'das:prop#', in
>    which case they are relative to the das:prop namespace.

And from what I can tell about XML, there's no standard way to implement
this using one of the standard XML parsers.  How do you get the das:prop
namespace for a given element?  The parser often does the expansion
for you.  Eg, in one of the Python XML parsers it does the translations
into Clark notation, like


For more info on XML namespaces, see http://www.jclark.com/xml/xmlns.htm

					dalke at dalkescientific.com

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