[DAS] Re: DAS 0.7 Entry_points.pm modules missing in distribution?

Lincoln Stein lstein@cshl.org
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 08:39:29 -0400

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It has recently come to my attention that I failed to commit the=20
Entry_points.pm module to the new (0.7) version of Bio::Das beta.  The=20
OpenBio machines are down at the moment, so I can't commit, and I am abou=
t to=20
go on a one week vacation away from Internet access.  So I am e-mailing t=
file out to the das list.  It belongs in the subdirectory=20


On Thursday 12 September 2002 05:09 am, Tony Cox wrote:
> Hi Lincoln,
> just grabbed the beta 0.7 release to give it a try but get:
> [Thu Sep 12 10:02:06 2002] [error] Can't locate
> Bio/Das/Request/Entry_points.pm in @INC (@INC
> ....
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
> /ensweb/wwwdev/server/modules/Bio/Das.pm line 12.
> Compilation failed in require at
> /ensweb/wwwdev/server/ensembl-external/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/ExternalData=
>/DASAdaptor.pm line 54.
> but:
> l-s -l Bio/Das/Request/
> total 24
> -rw-rw-r--   1 w3adm    system      1736 Apr 30 14:25 Dnas.pm
> -rw-rw-r--   1 w3adm    system      1604 Apr 30 14:25 Dsn.pm
> -rw-rw-r--   1 w3adm    system      5636 Apr 30 14:25 Features.pm
> -rw-rw-r--   1 w3adm    system      2247 Apr 30 14:25 Types.pm
> Could you check in the module please?
> thanks
> Tony

Lincoln Stein

Content-Type: text/x-perl;
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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Entry_points.pm"

package Bio::Das::Request::Entry_points;
# $Id: Entry_points.pm,v 1.1 2002/08/31 23:32:53 lstein Exp $
# this module issues and parses the entry_points command, with the ref argument

use strict;
use Bio::Das::DSN;
use Bio::Das::Request;
use Bio::Das::Util 'rearrange';

use vars '@ISA';
@ISA = 'Bio::Das::Request';

sub new {
  my $pack = shift;
  my ($dsn,$ref,$callback) = rearrange(['dsn',

  return $pack->SUPER::new(-dsn=>$dsn,
			   -args   => {ref => $ref}

sub command { 'entry_points' }

# top-level tag
sub t_DASEP {
  my $self  = shift;
  my $attrs = shift;
  if ($attrs) {  # section is starting
  $self->{current_ep} = undef;

# nothing to do there

# segment is beginning
sub t_SEGMENT {
  my $self  = shift;
  my $attrs = shift;
  if ($attrs) {    # segment section is starting
    $self->{current_ep} = Bio::Das::Segment->new($attrs->{id},
    $self->{current_ep}->subparts(1) if defined $attrs->{subparts} 
      && $attrs->{subparts} eq 'yes';
  else {  # reached the end of the segment, so push result

