[DAS] Getting users

Michael Brent brent@cs.wustl.edu
Fri, 30 Nov 2001 13:19:02 -0600

Michael Brent, lurker, here. I have been wanting to set up an annotation

server for over a year. And here I am at Wash U with Robin Dowell and
Sean Eddy. But it's too much work. If someone can provide a well
documented download with a client and server and step by step
instructions about how to set up my data on my server, along with
example server setups that I can look at and test, I would jump on it.

Last time I wrote to the list asking about a good step-by-step setup
manual there seemed to be little enthusiasm for producing it. My two
cents is that you would get a lot more servers if you could develop a
package such that >90% of bioinformaticists who try can get their
servers functioning and displaying info to the world in < 3 hours,
start-to-finish. It should be like setting up your first web site -- you

can get something up in an hour, then spend the rest of your life making

it pretty.

Not that it's your job to make life easy for me. But if you do I'll use
your software sooner.
