[BioRuby-cvs] bioruby/lib/bio alignment.rb,1.20,1.21
Naohisa Goto
ngoto at dev.open-bio.org
Thu Dec 14 19:52:55 UTC 2006
Update of /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/lib/bio
In directory dev.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv15819/lib/bio
Modified Files:
Log Message:
New files/classes: Bio::GCG::Msf in lib/bio/appl/gcg/msf.rb for GCG msf
multiple sequence alignment format parser, and Bio::GCG::Seq in
lib/bio/appl/gcg/seq.rb for GCG sequence format parser.
Autoload of the classes (in bio.rb) and file format autodetection
(in flatfile.rb) are also supported.
Bio::Alignment::Output#output_msf, #output(:msf, ...) are added
to generate msf formatted string from multiple alignment object.
Index: alignment.rb
RCS file: /home/repository/bioruby/bioruby/lib/bio/alignment.rb,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -C2 -d -r1.20 -r1.21
*** alignment.rb 14 Dec 2006 15:08:59 -0000 1.20
--- alignment.rb 14 Dec 2006 19:52:53 -0000 1.21
*** 24,27 ****
--- 24,32 ----
require 'bio/sequence'
+ #---
+ # (depends on autoload)
+ #require 'bio/appl/gcg/seq'
+ #+++
module Bio
*** 871,874 ****
--- 876,881 ----
when :phylipnon
+ when :msf
+ output_msf(*arg)
when :molphy
*** 1177,1180 ****
--- 1184,1305 ----
+ # Generates msf formatted text as a string
+ def output_msf(options = {})
+ len = self.seq_length
+ if !options.has_key?(:avoid_same_name) or options[:avoid_same_name]
+ sn = __clustal_avoid_same_name(self.sequence_names)
+ else
+ sn = self.sequence_names.collect do |x|
+ x.to_s.gsub(/[\r\n\x00]/, ' ')
+ end
+ end
+ if !options.has_key?(:replace_space) or options[:replace_space]
+ sn.collect! { |x| x.gsub(/\s/, '_') }
+ end
+ if !options.has_key?(:escape) or options[:escape]
+ sn.collect! { |x| x.gsub(/[\:\;\,\(\)]/, '_') }
+ end
+ if !options.has_key?(:split) or options[:split]
+ sn.collect! { |x| x.split(/\s/)[0].to_s }
+ end
+ seqwidth = 50
+ namewidth = [31, sn.collect { |x| x.length }.max ].min
+ sep = ' ' * 2
+ seqregexp = Regexp.new("(.{1,#{seqwidth}})")
+ gchar = (options[:gap_char] or '.')
+ pchar = (options[:padding_char] or '~')
+ aseqs = Array.new(self.number_of_sequences).clear
+ self.each_seq do |s|
+ aseqs << s.to_s.gsub(self.gap_regexp, gchar)
+ end
+ aseqs.each do |s|
+ s.sub!(/\A#{Regexp.escape(gchar)}+/) { |x| pchar * x.length }
+ s.sub!(/#{Regexp.escape(gchar)}+\z/, '')
+ s << (pchar * (len - s.length))
+ end
+ case options[:case].to_s
+ when /lower/i
+ aseqs.each { |s| s.downcase! }
+ when /upper/i
+ aseqs.each { |s| s.upcase! }
+ else #default upcase
+ aseqs.each { |s| s.upcase! }
+ end
+ case options[:type].to_s
+ when /protein/i, /aa/i
+ amino = true
+ when /na/i
+ amino = false
+ else
+ if seqclass == Bio::Sequence::AA then
+ amino = true
+ elsif seqclass == Bio::Sequence::NA then
+ amino = false
+ else
+ # if we can't determine, we asuume as protein.
+ amino = aseqs.size
+ aseqs.each { |x| amino -= 1 if /\A[acgt]\z/i =~ x }
+ amino = false if amino <= 0
+ end
+ end
+ seq_type = (amino ? 'P' : 'N')
+ fn = (options[:entry_id] or self.__id__.abs.to_s + '.msf')
+ dt = (options[:time] or Time.now).strftime('%B %d, %Y %H:%M')
+ sums = aseqs.collect { |s| GCG::Seq.calc_checksum(s) }
+ #sums = aseqs.collect { |s| 0 }
+ sum = 0; sums.each { |x| sum += x }; sum %= 10000
+ msf =
+ [
+ "#{seq_type == 'N' ? 'N' : 'A' }A_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT 1.0\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ " #{fn} MSF: #{len} Type: #{seq_type} #{dt} Check: #{sum} ..\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ sn.each do |snx|
+ msf << ' Name: ' +
+ sprintf('%*s', -namewidth, snx.to_s)[0, namewidth] +
+ " Len: #{len} Check: #{sums.shift} Weight: 1.00\n"
+ end
+ msf << "\n//\n"
+ aseqs.collect! do |s|
+ snx = sn.shift
+ head = sprintf("%*s", namewidth, snx.to_s)[0, namewidth] + sep
+ s.gsub!(seqregexp, "\\1\n")
+ a = s.split(/^/)
+ a.collect { |x| head + x }
+ end
+ lines = (len + seqwidth - 1).div(seqwidth)
+ i = 1
+ lines.times do
+ msf << "\n"
+ n_l = i
+ n_r = [ i + seqwidth - 1, len ].min
+ if n_l != n_r then
+ w = [ n_r - n_l + 1 - n_l.to_s.length - n_r.to_s.length, 1 ].max
+ msf << (' ' * namewidth + sep + n_l.to_s +
+ ' ' * w + n_r.to_s + "\n")
+ else
+ msf << (' ' * namewidth + sep + n_l.to_s + "\n")
+ end
+ aseqs.each { |a| msf << a.shift }
+ i += seqwidth
+ end
+ msf << "\n"
+ msf.join('')
+ end
end #module Output
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