[Biopython-dev] test_Ace, test_Nexus, test_Phd

Bruce Southey bsouthey at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 19:55:20 UTC 2009

Michiel de Hoon wrote:
> These three tests currently are written as a combination of a unittest-based test and a print-and-compare test. That is, they contain classes deriving from unittest.TestCase, but then print out stuff that should get compared to the output file. However, run_tests.py assumes that they are true unittest-style tests, so the comparison is never done.
> Does anybody mind if I convert these three to pure print-and-compare or pure unittest-style tests? test_Ace.py and test_Nexus.py produce lots of output, so I'm tempted to go with a print-and-compare test there; test_Phd.py might work well as a unittest-style test.
> --Michiel.
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I looked at these tests and think that these are actually examples not 
tests (except to say the code run). If so, then I would go with what is 


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