[Biopython-dev] add dynamic programming alignment modules

Brad Chapman chapmanb at arches.uga.edu
Sat Aug 4 11:02:56 EDT 2001

Hey Jeff;

> On the flight home from ISMB, I coded up some modules to do pairwise 
> alignments.  I went ahead and put them into the Bio.Align package 
> because they seem most appropriate there -- I hope nobody objects!

Sweet! You are the man. And to think, I spent my whole time on the
flight nursing a bad headache caused by staying up the entire night
before (whoops, forgot to book a hotel room for that last night in
Denmark!), and reading Hunter S. Thompson books.

Seriously, I'm very happy to have this. I also have some dynamic
programming stuff in my HMM module (which I am getting ready for
potential submission right now -- working myself through the fun of
writing up docs); once I get that ready we can see if there is
anything there we can generalize and merge together.


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