[Bioperl-l] Strain/Plasmid database

Jing Yu logust79 at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 10 10:57:33 UTC 2014

Hi all, 

I've been developing lab Strain/Plasmid database using Perl Dancer2 as web interface and MySQL as the actual database. The idea is to centralise strain/plasmid data onto one server, and everyone in the lab (or local network, to be precise) can query the database from their own or any computer in the same network. I'm only a beginner in perl, and know almost nothing about HTML/CSS/Javascript, and this is primary why the web interface looks rubbish. But I assume (or I rather hope) people working on biology don't have a taste on graphics...

This is my github page: https://github.com/logust79/Strain-Plasmid-database

If you have any suggestions/advice or even criticisms, feel free to throw them at me. Any help is warmly welcome!


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