[Bioperl-l] (no subject)

Andrew Stewart stewarta at nmrc.navy.mil
Fri Jan 5 22:02:51 UTC 2007

After running Bio::Tools::StandAloneBlast->blastall on a collection  
of protein sequences, SearchIO then allows me to traverse the list of  
hits returned for those sequences which hits were found for.  Here's  
a question: what if I want to know which query sequences -didn't-  
produce hits?

Now, I realize I could just go back and compare the set of query  
sequences to the set of blast hits to find these 'no-hits', but I'm  
wondering if SearchIO can include the queries for which hits were not  
found.  Anyone know?  Or have any other suggestions?


Andrew Stewart
Research Assistant, Genomics Team
Navy Medical Research Center (NMRC)
Biological Defense Research Directorate (BDRD)
BDRD Annex
12300 Washington Avenue, 2nd Floor
Rockville, MD 20852

email: stewarta at nmrc.navy.mil
phone: 301-231-6700 Ext 270

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