[Bioperl-l] bioperl-live: audit of FIXME/???/TODO/etc and undef/die
Torsten Seemann
torsten.seemann at infotech.monash.edu.au
Tue Sep 19 00:09:27 UTC 2006
Given the pending RC1 release, I decided to do a quick audit of
bioperl-live, see below. Hopefully no much POD text may got through.
Hope it is useful anyway.
"return undef;" => "return;" # return undef intentional?
Bio/DB/Biblio/pdf.pm: return undef;
Bio/DB/Biblio/pdf.pm: return undef unless $link;
Bio/DB/Biblio/pdf.pm: return undef;
Bio/DB/Biblio/eutils.pm: return undef;
Bio/DB/WebDBSeqI.pm: return undef if ( !defined $self->ua || !defin
Bio/Tools/Run/RemoteBlast.pm: return undef if ( !defined $self->ua
Bio/FeatureIO/gff.pm: return undef if $self->fasta_mode();
Bio/FeatureIO/gff.pm: # be graceful about empty lines or comments, an
Bio/FeatureIO/gff.pm:will return undef if not all features in the stre
Bio/Root/IOManager.pm: return undef unless -e $file;
Bio/Root/Object.pm: return undef unless defined $self->{'_err'};
"die" => "$self->throw" # use Bio::Perl exception handling
Bio/Variation/IO.pm: $format2 = shift || die "Usage: reformat forma
Bio/DB/SeqFeature/Store/DBI/mysql.pm: $db->store($feature) or die "Co
Bio/DB/SeqFeature/Store/berkeleydb.pm: $db->store($feature) or die
Bio/DB/SeqFeature/Store.pm: $db->store($feature) or die "Couldn't sto
Bio/Graphics/Glyph.pm: my $feature = $arg{-feature} or die "No featur
Bio/Graphics/Glyph/image.pm: open F,$path or die "Can't open $path:
Bio/Graphics/Panel.pm: open (F,">$imagefile") || die("Can't open imag
Bio/Phenotype/OMIM/OMIMparser.pm: if ( ! defined( $description ) )
Bio/Phenotype/OMIM/OMIMparser.pm: if ( ! defined( $mutation ) ) {
Bio/LiveSeq/Chain.pm: die "_praepostinsert_array: Something went ve
Bio/Tools/isPcr.pm: my $seq = $seqio->next_seq || die("cannot get a
Bio/Tools/Analysis/DNA/ESEfinder.pm: die "Could not get a result"
Bio/Tools/Analysis/Protein/NetPhos.pm: die "Could not get a result" u
Bio/Tools/Analysis/Protein/Mitoprot.pm: die "Could not get a result"
Bio/Tools/Analysis/Protein/Scansite.pm: die "Could not get a result"
Bio/Tools/dpAlign.pm: die("\nThe C-compiled engine for Smith Wa
Bio/Tools/ipcress.pm: my $seq = $seqio->next_seq || die("cannot get
Bio/Tools/EPCR.pm: my $seq = $seqio->next_seq || die("cannot get a
Bio/Tools/HMM.pm: die("\nThe C-compiled engine for Hidden Marko
Bio/Seq/PrimedSeq.pm: my $file = shift || die "need a file to rea
Bio/Seq/PrimedSeq.pm: my $file = shift || die "$0 <file>";
Bio/Variation/VariantI.pm: $self->allele_mut($value); #????
Bio/DB/Biblio/soap.pm:use Bio::Biblio; # TBD: ?? WHY SHOULD I DO THIS
Bio/DB/GFF/Adaptor/dbi/oracleace.pm: # then generate a bogus Homolo
Bio/DB/GFF/Adaptor/dbi/mysqlace.pm: # then generate a bogus Homolog
Bio/SeqFeature/Annotated.pm: Args : ???
Bio/SeqFeature/Tools/Unflattener.pm: # what should w
Bio/SeqFeature/Tools/IDHandler.pm: # warn??
Bio/Root/IO.pm: $ROOTDIR = ""; # what is reasonable??
Bio/LiveSeq/Chain.pm:# *??* create hash2dchain ???? (with hashkeys use
Bio/LiveSeq/Chain.pm:# **????** how about using array of arrays instea
Bio/LiveSeq/Chain.pm:# in verbose $string assignment around line 721 ?
Bio/Root/Root.pm: # TODO: Fix the MSG: line of the re-thrown err
Bio/Root/Storable.pm: # TODO: add cleanup and unlink methods. For n
Bio/Seq/EncodedSeq.pm: #TODO: finish all this
Bio/SeqFeature/Tools/Unflattener.pm: # TODO - we ignore this
Bio/SeqFeature/Tools/Unflattener.pm: # TODO - allow more
Bio/SeqFeature/Tools/Unflattener.pm: ## features. TODO: P
Bio/SeqIO/game/gameWriter.pm:#TODO: can't sequences also have database
Bio/SeqIO/chaos.pm: # TODO
Bio/SeqIO/pir.pm: # TODO - not processing SFS data
Bio/SeqIO/strider.pm: # TODO: determine 'DNA Degenerate
Bio/Search/BlastUtils.pm: # TODO: Account for strand/frame issue!
Bio/Map/Physical.pm: #*** why doesn't it call Bio::Map::Clone->new
Bio/Map/Physical.pm: #*** why doesn't it call Bio::Map::FPCMarker->
Bio/Map/Physical.pm: #*** why doesn't it call Bio::Map::Contig->new
Bio/Map/PositionI.pm:#*** should this be overridden from RangeI?
Bio/Matrix/PSM/SiteMatrix.pm: #*** IUPACp values not actually u
Bio/Tree/TreeFunctionsI.pm: #*** the algorithm here hasn't really b
Bio/SeqIO/agave.pm:***NOTE*** At the moment, not all of the tags are
Bio/LiveSeq/Chain.pm:# **** performance concerns
Bio/Map/LinkageMap.pm:#*** what is this? what calls it? note that it s
Bio/Map/Marker.pm: *** does not actually add this marker to the
Bio/Map/SimpleMap.pm: *** does not actually add the element to th
Bio/Map/FPCMarker.pm: *** This has nothing to do with an actual
Bio/Map/PositionI.pm:#*** should this be overridden from RangeI?
Bio/Search/Hit/PullHitI.pm: # why does this method even exist?!
Bio/Search/Hit/PullHitI.pm: # why does this method even exist?!
Bio/DB/Biblio/soap.pm:use Bio::Biblio; # TBD: ?? WHY SHOULD I DO THIS
Bio/Graphics/Glyph/dot.pm: # The can() method fails with GD::SVG. Why
Bio/SeqIO/bsml.pm: # Need to kill object for following code to work...
Bio/SeqIO/tinyseq.pm: foreach my $subatt(@$seqatt) { # why are there t
Bio/SeqIO/tinyseq.pm: # NCBI puts refseq ids in TSeq_sid, others in
Bio/SeqIO/game/featHandler.pm: # Why is CDS coordinate info saved a
Bio/SeqIO/swiss.pm: # Um, why would this be anything else but PRT?
Bio/Taxonomy.pm: # taxonomy - why would you be doing things this
Bio/Seq.pm: # I can't remember why not delegating was ever deemed
Bio/Cluster/UniGene.pm: # why does NCBI prepend a 'g' to its own
Bio/LiveSeq/IO/BioPerl.pm:# why array from each_tag_value($qual) ? Whe
Bio/SearchIO/Writer/HSPTableWriter.pm:# Don't know why this
Bio/SearchIO/Writer/ResultTableWriter.pm:# Don't know why t
Bio/Tools/Alignment/Consed.pm:Why was this developed like this? I was
Bio/Tools/Alignment/Consed.pm: # if there is a member array (why woul
io/Map/Physical.pm: #*** why doesn't it call Bio::Map::Clone->new ?
Bio/Map/Physical.pm: #*** why doesn't it call Bio::Map::FPCMarker->
Bio/Map/Physical.pm: #*** why doesn't it call Bio::Map::Contig->new
Bio/SeqFeature/Primer.pm: off from those of the idtdna web
Bio/SeqFeature/Primer.pm: as primer3 does. Don't ask why, I never f
Bio/Seq/PrimaryQual.pm: Returns : 1 for a valid sequence (WHY? Shouldn
Bio/Seq/PrimaryQual.pm: Args : a scalar (any scalar, why PrimarySeq
Bio/DB/Flat/BinarySearch.pm:# is an awful hack - in reality Michele's
Bio/DB/WebDBSeqI.pm:# sorry, but this is hacked in because of BioFetch
Bio/DB/SeqFeature/Store/GFF3Loader.pm: # TEMPORARY HACKS TO SIMPLIFY
Bio/AlignIO/phylip.pm: #if you use a version of phylip (hacked) tha
Bio/SearchIO/blast.pm: # bl2seq hackiness... Not sure I lik
Bio/Tools/Sigcleave.pm:## a quick hack to make sure that we get the sc
Bio/Tools/Blast/HTML.pm: # This is fine for yeast but not worm. This
Bio/Tools/Geneid.pm: # then need to perform the hack of extract
Bio/Root/Utilities.pm: # this is a quick hack to check for availabili
Bio/Root/Err.pm:objects more eval/die-savvy (but the current strategy
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