[Bioperl-l] Updated Makefile.PL

Sendu Bala bix at sendu.me.uk
Fri Oct 20 15:39:32 UTC 2006

Chris Fields wrote:
> BTW, do any of Lincoln's Bio::DB*
> use DBD::mySQL?  Bio::DB::GFF comes to mind.

No, just a require on a user-passed variable as I described.

>> Also, I note that very many Bioperl modules need IO::String, including
>> Bio::SeqIO, so I'm not sure to what extent we can pretend it is an
>> optional module. I didn't make any change though.
> Do they all require IO::String or is it an option?

Oops, I take that back. Bio::SeqIO doesn't use IO::String. That's what 
you get for relying on grep output...
It's still many modules that use it, but I suppose you could do useful 
things without. So actually, let's keep it optional.

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