[Bioperl-l] Bioperl 1.5.2 RC2

Nathan Haigh n.haigh at sheffield.ac.uk
Wed Oct 18 11:34:21 UTC 2006

I've just added test results for 1.5.2 RC2 to the wiki.

There are lots of fails for packages other than bioperl-live. I'm not
sure excatly how the test fails/skipps are/should be handled since my
setups are as follows.

Clean WinXP Pro:
This is a clean install of WinXP Pro SP2 with no major software
installed, other than ActivePerl and a few tools for archive
extracting, anti virus etc. Therefore, I'm unsure how tests in
bioperl-network and bioperl-db should return. For example, I have made
no effort to setup biosql-schema but I thought that maybe there would be
a test that would detect this, and fail, then skip over other tests
gracefully - like the bioperl-run tests when a piece of software is not

Debian Linux:
This is a Bio-Linux machine with quite a lot of bioinformatics software
installed in the Path. So most of the tests in bioperl-run should
probably have passed. The same goes for bioperl-network and bioperl-db
as with my Windows setup.

If my thoughts are totally wrong - let me know!

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